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TA Matching Overview


There are three links in the People sub-section of the Admin area. These links manage different types of users for the TA Matching Application. There are three types of user:

Administrative Users

The 'Access' link manages Administrative users. Administrative users have access to the 'TA Application: Admin Link' on the main TA Matching web site. This link takes a user to the Admin area.

The Admin area has three different access levels; Admin, Edit, and View. The access levels correspond to the three sections in the Admin area. Administrative users may access sections equal to or lower than their access level.

  • Admin users have access to all sections in the Admin area; Admin, Edit, and View.
  • Edit users have access to the Edit and View sections of the Admin area.
  • View users have access only to the View area.

Grad Students


tam/people.1648154936.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/03/24 20:48 by dfiorell