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TA Matching Overview | People

Manage Grad Students

Add Grad Student Manually

Import Grad Student Data from the Registrar

Filter Grad Student UCInetIDs


Grad Students

Instructors are one of the three types of people who can access the TA Matching web site.

Any person in the Instructor List can take the Instructor survey.

Clicking the Instructors link in the People sub-section of the Admin area will show the current Instructor List. The Add Instructor Manually link is used to add new Instructors by UCInetID. The Import Instructors from Campus LDAP link will import most of the instructors for the associated school into the instructor list.

Add Instructor Manually

Any person with a valid UCInetID can be added as an Instructor. The steps to add a new Instructor are listed here:

  1. Enter a valid UCInetID
  2. Edit the First and Last Name (optional)
  3. click the Add Instructor button to add them to the Instructor List

Import Instructors from LDAP

Clicking the Import Instructors from Campus LDAP link will search the Campus LDAP in the associated school looking for faculty members or people with Professor in their title. These people will be automatically added to the Instructor List.

Note: Some instructors may not be found by the LDAP import and will have to be added manually.


Clicking the Delete link next to an Instructors name will remove that instructor from the Instructor List and prevent them from taking the Instructor Preferences survey.

tam/people/grads.1648751369.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/03/31 18:29 by dfiorell