Table of Contents
Override Gradstudents
By default, only active grad students will be included in the 'gradstudents' and 'gradstudents-<department>' mailing lists. Active status is updated nightly for each student from the registrar. To include inactive students in the mailing lists, their inactive status must be overridden. This allows students on a leave of absence, or other situations the registrar would consider inactive, to remain on the mailing lists. Overridden grad students will be included in the proper mailing lists as long as they are overridden, regardless of registrar status. List membership can be searched in the View Lists section.
Add Student IDs to Override List
Student IDs are checked against registrar data and local data. If a Student ID is already overridden or has been manually excluded, it will not be available to add to the override list. Multiple Student IDs may be entered separated by a comma or new line. Invalid Student IDs will be noted. Any Student IDs not added to the override list will remain in the search box. Follow the instructions below to add grad students to the override list:
- Enter a valid list Student IDs separated by commas or new lines
- Click the 'Add Gradstudents' button
- The list of Student IDs will be checked against registrar data
- Select Students you wish to add and click the 'Add Selected' button, or click the 'Add All' button to add everyone
Remove Selected
To remove a grad student from the Override list, follow the instructions below:
- Check the box in the 'Remove?' column for their students to be removed
- Click the 'Remove Selected' button
- Click the 'Confirm' button to confirm removal of the students from the Override list