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ICS Key Management System

When first loading the ICS Key Management Website users will be taken to a log in screen. Once logged in there are two functions available; requesting a key (or multiple keys), and reporting a found key.

Request Key(s)

There are several steps to the key request process:

Submit the form after all the information is set. Once the form is submitted, any noted supervisor will be notified by email. After the request is approved, the key administrator will contact you and schedule a time to pick up the requested key, or keys, and pay any required deposits.

Select a Unit

After following the link to request a key, a drop down list of Schools and Departments is presented. Select a unit to request a key from and click the 'Submit' button to proceed. A form will then be displayed.

Enter UCInetID

Enter all or part of the UCInetID for the person the key will be issued to and click the search button. This will bring up a menu of valid UCInetIDs. Click the '+' to select a UCInetID from the list.

Select user type

Select the affiliation of the person the key or keys will be issued to. The available selections cover Faculty, Staff, Students, and assorted Visitor types.

Enter Supervisor

Enter the UCInetID of the supervisor who will be asked to approve the key request. Click the search button, and a window will pop up. Click the '+' next to the UCInetID to select it. The supervisor will be contacted via email and asked to approve the request once the completed form is submitted.

Explain Request

Generally only Faculty, Staff, and Grad students are given keys. It is rare for undergrads to request them. The explanation text box is used to enter a brief message explaining the need for the requested keys. For Staff and Faculty it can be as simple as “I need a key to my office.” Undergrads, or other special cases, may require a more detailed explanation.

Accept Policy

If a key policy exists for the unit, it will be displayed below the explanation text box. Please read the Key policy and check the box below to accept. If there is no policy displayed, feel free to leave the checkbox unchecked.

Select Keys

There is a key selection box at the bottom sorted by building and room number. By default 10 entries are shown at a time. Keys can be sorted by entering all or part of a building name or room number in the filter boxes below the key list. Multiple keys may be requested by clicking the '+' next to each desired key. Requested keys will appear at the bottom of the form.

I Found a Key (Identify a Key)

Most keys used on campus have two numbers on them. Either number may be entered into the text box. Contact information will be returned for the administrator responsible for the key. Please contact them and let them know a lost key has been found.


Clicking the Logout options will sign the user out of the system and return the user to the login screen.

ics/keydb/user.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/08 20:47 by dfiorell