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Xerox Printing - From a Linux system

Please make sure you have contacted Craig Stone to get a print/copy code. You will need to enter your code during the setup below.

Setup involves two steps, detailed below

  1. Download and install the Xerox installation package
  2. Run the xeroxprtmgr program to connect and configure the printer

Note that if you are on the "UCInet Mobile Access" wireless network, you must use the VPN software before attempting to connect to the printer.

Download and install Xerox Driver

Depending on your system type, install the package with:

dpkg -i xeroxv5pkg-linuxx86_64-5.15.551.3245.deb


rpm -ivh xeroxv5pkg-linuxx86_64-5.15.551.3245.rpm

Run 'xeroxprtmgr' as root

  1. Run sudo xeroxprtmgr. The program should be installed in /usr/bin/
howto/sscs/xerox_print_linux.1414693421.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/30 18:23 by jnilsson