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How to Install Adobe Acrobat Pro DC using Creative Cloud

Follow the instructions below to download & install the Adobe Creative Cloud application which will help you install Acrobat Pro and automatically keep it up to date. These instructions are based off OIT's here.

1. Get a license

If you don't already have a license for Acrobat Pro, or are unsure, email us at

2. Sign in to Adobe's website

Go to and log in with your UCI email address in the format, then select Continue.

3. Choose the type of Adobe Account

When prompted, select “Company or School Account”.

4. UCI Webauth and Duo

You will then be taken to the UCI Webauth page. Enter you UCInetID and password to continue, followed by Duo authentication, if prompted.

On the right under the “Quick Links” heading, select Install Creative Cloud app.

6. Install and run the Creative Cloud app

The Creative Cloud setup file will download. Double-click to run it and follow the prompts to install the Adobe Creative Cloud app.

7. Run Creative Cloud to Install Acrobat Pro DC

Option 1

When you run Creative Cloud, you hopefully see the app “Acrobat DC” listed on the main screen, and you can click the “Install” button as seen here:

Option 2

Otherwise, you should use the search bar at the top to look for “acrobat dc” and click on the search result “Acrobat DC (Desktop)

And then on the Acrobat DC app details page, click the Install button in the top-right corner

howto/sscs/acrobat_pro_dc_install.1610063076.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/07 23:44 by jnilsson