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How to: setup SSCS account with SSH public-key authentication
On linux servers, it is recommended to use public-key authentication rather than password authentication for SSH. This is especially true for when port 22 or SSH will be open to off-campus access through the UCI border firewall.
One-stop script to create the sscs account
You can simply copy and paste the below code to download a script that we've set up for this purpose and execute it with sudo:
curl -O -L sudo ./
Or if you prefer to run commands yourself, these are the equivalent commands:
SSCS_HOME=/home/sscs sudo useradd -c "Computing Services" -m -d $SSCS_HOME -s /bin/bash sscs echo "sscs ALL=(ALL) ALL" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/sscs sudo mkdir -p $SSCS_HOME/.ssh sudo chmod 700 $SSCS_HOME/.ssh sudo touch $SSCS_HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys sudo chmod 600 $SSCS_HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys echo "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPWfC91AllbEn9VYT9a0838A/55rWtrSY/dm48fedc38 jnilsson@C21121501.local" | sudo tee -a $SSCS_HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
If you don't want the home directory to be /home/sscs, you can easily set your own SSCS_HOME variable to whatever location you choose and then copy/paste the rest of the commands. Or if you download the
script and you want to change the location of the sscs account home directory, modify the script accordingly before executing it.