====== People Overview ====== This wiki contains instructions and documentation for the School of Social Sciences [[https://people.socsci.uci.edu|People]] web application. The campus [[https://www.oit.uci.edu/services/security/vpn/|VPN]] is required to access this application. ===== Exclude UCInetID (Admin Only) ===== * [[people:exclude|Exclude UCInetIDs]] - exclude a UCInetID from all mailing lists managed by this application ===== Override Gradstudents (Grad Office Only) ===== * [[people:override|Override Gradstudents]] - manually add grad students to grad student mailing lists ===== Manage Non-Student List Members ===== * [[people:faculty_and_staff|Manage Non-Student]] member pool * [[people:faculty_and_staff:add|Add]] Non-Student to the Member Pool * [[people:faculty_and_staff:edit|Edit]] Member details or list membership * [[people:faculty_and_staff:edit#delete_member|Delete]] a Non-Student member from the Member Pool * [[people:update|Update Lists]] * Manually push updates to mail server (Automatic updates run every morning before 8am) ===== Building Directory ===== * [[people:directory|Building Directory]] - an Alphabetical list of non-student list members showing Title, Department, and Contact Details. * This may also be downloaded as an excel file ===== View Mailing lists ===== * [[people:view_lists|View Lists]] - View and search members of all mailing lists managed by this application * Non-Student and Grad Student Lists may also be downloaded as excel files ===== Student Information Holds ===== * [[people:ferpa_blocks|View FERPA Holds]] - View and search students with a FERPA information hold ===== Features ===== * [[people:users|Administrative User Management]] (Admin Only) * [[people:search|Search and Sort table information]] * Notification for change in HR Status, Employee Class, or Department * Warning if email differs from Campus Data * Warning if Campus ID is no longer valid (this means the UCInetID is also inactive) ===== Frequently Asked Questions ===== * [[people:faq#vpn|A User can not access the website]] * [[people:faq#server_overload|A user is getting an 'Error 500']]