====== Printing from a Windows laptop or from Off-Campus ====== ==== You will need an SS2k account to print to Xerox. Please email helpdesk@socsci.uci.edu for assistance if you do not have an SS2k account. ==== ===== Run the VPN client and connect to either the UCI or UCIfull ===== [[https://www.oit.uci.edu/help/vpn/|Download and install the software VPN Client]] {{howto:sscs:xeroxpapercutaddprinter_1_2_.jpg|}}{{howto:sscs:xeroxpapercutaddprinter_1_3_.jpg|}}{{howto:sscs:xeroxpapercutaddprinter_1_4_.jpg|}} ===== Connect to the printer ===== ==== 1. Press Windows-R to open the Run menu ==== {{howto:sscs:xeroxpapercutaddprinter_1_5_.jpg|}} ==== 2. Type in "\\\[print queue]" with quotes and press enter. **See below for the print queue names.** ==== {{howto:sscs:xeroxpapercutaddprinter_1_6_2.jpg|}} ==== 3. Enter your SS2K credentials with the username formatted: ss2k\[your username] ==== ==== 4. Check the box to save your credentials ==== ==== You must be connected to the VPN if you are trying to print from the campus wireless. ==== [[http://www.oit.uci.edu/kb/vpn-windows/|Download and install the VPN Client]] ===== Print Queue ===== In the above instructions replace everything in the square brackets, including the brackets with one of the following print queues: ^ Department ^ Print Queue | |Anthropology |Xerox SBSG 3545 Anthro | |Bussiness Office |Xerox SSPA 5120 Business Office | |Cognitive Sciences |Xerox SBSG 2545 CogSci | |Graduate Office |Xerox SST 323E Graduate Office | |Economics |Xerox SSPB 3216 Econ | |Logic and Philosophy of Science |Xerox SST 710 LPS | |Mailroom |Xerox SSPA 3163 Copy Center | |Political Science |Xerox SSPB 5218 PoliSci | |Sociology |Xerox SSPB 4218 Sociology | |Undergrad Student Affairs |Xerox SBSG 1201 USA |