====Campus Zotmail Requests==== ===Here are the two steps to send a Zotmail notice to the UCI campus community:=== ===1. Determine if the notice you want to send will be a plain text notice or an html notice:=== ==Plain text:== Is text without font size changes, or any font attributes (such as bold, italics, underline, etc). Plain text does not include any color or highlighting, and no images or graphics. These notices can be created quickly, and can be viewed by any recipient. ==HTML:== A notice requires html if you need different fonts, bolding, italics, underlines, color, images or graphics. These notices can require a lot of time to create, and cannot be viewed by all recipients. Learn more about plain text and html Zotmails here: http://www.socsci.uci.edu/sscs/zotmail_request.php ===2. Submit your request to Heather Wuebker (hwuebker@uci.edu, x4-1577) according to the following:=== Approval by the dean's office is required for all Zotmail requests. When Heather receives a Zotmail request he will forward the text of the request to the dean's office for approval. ==Plain text notice== Email the text of the notice as an attachment to Heather at least 3 working days before the date the notice must to be sent. ==HTML notice== If it requires html, submit the text and design of the notice to Heather Wuebker at least 10 working days before the date the notice must be sent.