Remote Desktop Connection allows you to connect to a Windows computer remotely. Typically, for the computers in Social Sciences, we enable access per user account by request. Please send the helpdesk an email at if you need help gaining access to your computer on campus. If you are using the campus wifi or are otherwise blocked by the campus firewall (e.g. off campus), or if you are otherwise unable to connect, please run the VPN client first. The Default-UCI profile will work for Remote Desktop Connections. ====== Windows 10 ====== - Connect to the UCI VPN (if necessary). - Search for and run Remote Desktop Connection in the Start Menu{{:howto:sscs:rdc-win-01.png?400}} - Type in the hostname or IP address of the computer you would like to remotely access.{{:howto:sscs:rdc-win-02.png?400}} - Type in the username and password. If you are logging in to a domain computer, please make sure you include the domain in the username field. Below is an example of the user "username" logging into the ss2k domain. {{:howto:sscs:rdc-win-03.png?400}}