====== How to create an anonymous survey using Microsoft Forms ====== Qualtrics will no longer be an option as a survey tool after June 2024. But the good news is that Microsoft Forms is an easy to use tool that can do just about everything that Qualtrics could. One of the most frequently cited uses of Qualtrics was to run an anonymous survey, but ensure that people only vote once. This can be done as follows: - Go to [[https://forms.microsoft.com]] - Click on the **New Form** button: * {{:howto:ms-forms-new-form-button.png?400|}} - Create your form using intuitive tools: * {{:howto:ms-forms-new-question-tyes.png?600|}} * {{:howto:ms-forms-new-question-edit.png?600|}} - When you are done building the survey, click the three-dot menu in the top-right corner: * Click the **Settings** option: * {{:howto:ms-forms-menu-settings.png?200|}} - Select these settings: * **Only people in UC Irvine can respond** (this ensures a UCInetID login is required) * **Uncheck** the option **Record Name** (this makes it anonymous) * **Check** the option **One Response Per Person** (this ensures people do not cheat by voting anonymously multiple times) * {{:howto:ms-forms-anonymous-settings.png?400|}} - Click on the **Collect Responses** button to begin sharing the survey: * {{:howto:ms-forms-collect-responses.png?150|}} - Create a convenient Short URL and copy to your clipboard: * {{:howto:ms-forms-short-url.png?450|}} - You can now paste this URL to your survey in an email. You can send this email to a list, or BCC a group of individuals. They will be required to login using their M365 account, but their identity will not be stored with their responses. Once you have received responses: - Click on **Responses** in the top left corner of the survey: * {{:howto:ms-forms-responses.png?300|}} - Click on the **Open in Excel** button: * {{:howto:ms-forms-open-in-excel.png?150|}} - Here are some example results that show it did not record the name or email of the respondants: * {{:howto:ms-forms-example-responses.png?600|}}